The team that rocks

Saturday, September 16, 2006

The last day

The 17th of September 2006: My last day at dell. It has been quite a last few months. I made some great friends, visited sone great places, learnt many important lessons in life and got a taste of life in the corporate world.
I will miss you all. So on my last day here are a few more pictures I would like to share with you. These would definetly not be the last of me. Will keep in touch and hope you guys too.
Wishing everyone all the luck and happiness in life. Pray that all of you achieve great successes in life and find someone very special to share all those happy and sad moments of life with.

The final result....

The before...

The B'day boy

The cake

The star of the team. The exceptional performer.

Mr. Shah. Sorry missed your b'day

Aur Deo ke liye to koi bhi chalega "Zindagi ke mazzeee lene ke liye". Harruuu be careful.....!!

Aur pyaarrr. Sid is always in demand.....BTW Amit was holding his other hand...guess why?????

Arre dont miss Paps smile. He is finally able to give Haruuu something atleast.....

The campus at dawn

Pyar hi pyar.....

The flower power gal

The flower power guy

The kooooooooooool TSS

Our team has so much love to share

Now what do I say to this... I am speechless

The prize for failing Pragati the most times goes to...... Deo